Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I can't believe how time flies. Two years went by just like this. Seriously, TWO YEARS!!

Thinking back, it was really tons and tons of things that dear and I went through. So much that I'm unable to describe it using words.

Now that dear is in camp, I don't wish anymore. All I hope is for dear to stay safe and sound, always, and hoping to see him really soon. May god bless him.

I love you dear.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exactly 7 days since dear went in for enlistment. This also meant that I've survived 7 days without him. Really hope he is surviving well in there, may god bless him.
Thank god I'm working everyday since dear's enlistment day, so at least I don't have much time to idle and let my thoughts run wild.
Dear, I really miss you ...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ended the week without dear. Mood was rollercoaster for the whole time since dear enlisted. Till now, I'm not sure how I view dear's enlistment yet. On one part, I'm upset he's not with me. On other, I'm glad he went in cause this means it's closer to the day we can be together.
I hope dear is really surviving and adapting well in army. I can't help it but to worry. Thank god he is safe and sound.
Bless you, my love.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First night without dear was spent crying, again. Come to think of it, cried really badly. I was like sobbing non-stop, and crying loud from time to time. Guess Mickey was stained with my tears last night, and hopefully not tonight.

Couldn't sleep well; kept waking up in the middle of the night. Am really exhausted, I need sleep but I can't sleep.
I miss you dear.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's the 6th Nov now, at this moment. Less than 4 days to baby's enlistment day.

Mixed feelings.
One, he will be going in soon and leaving my side.
Two, once he is out, we can really get together, officially.

Yet, I have no courage to stay alone. After two years of being together, seeing each other almost everyday, never apart from each other. Now, baby will be gone for two years. Never going to be able to call him as and when I wish to hear his voice.

Baby. I promise, I'll stay strong.
I love you <3